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You miss us no longer

Dear Greek food lovers,

We wanted to let you know that as of last Sunday we are officially back in business and we’re looking forward to seeing you again. 

As always, the safety of our customers, their families and our staff is a priority for us, so we wanted to let you know we’ve made some changes to help support safe street food experience.

You’ll still find the same exciting, mouthwatering, grilled on the spot souvlaki, but, in line with the latest government guidelines, you’ll also see changes in three key areas:

- Personal protection practices

- Social distancing measures

- Enhanced cleaning of our stall and disinfection of equipment

Some of the changes we have made include making face coverings available to our staff to use, and providing opportunities for hand-sanitisation throughout the working day. We’ve installed safety screens at our till and set up floor markings to help implement social distancing. For this reason, we’ll also need to limit the number of customers queuing at any one time. We’re sorry if that means you have to wait a little longer and ask you to please bear with us.

We’ve enhanced the cleaning of our stall and cleaning of our equipment, and you will find a hand sanitisation station for our customers as well.

We will be asking you to pay by contactless payment if you can. The limit has been temporarily raised to £45 to make this more convenient for everyone.

A big warm thank you for visiting us on Sunday and helping keep everyone safe.

From our authentic family to yours, take care and stay safe. Kali orexi!

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Lin V
Lin V

That is great news. Can't wait for next Sunday so I can pop in... Seriously missed your food ;)

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